
Welcome to Ms. Samuels's 8th grade Language Arts class. Here you will find information for students and parents. Please continue to revisit this site for updates on various things occuring in class.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week of January 21-25

Monday: MLK Jr Day Observed NO SCHOOL

Tuesday: BAV & Activity 5 (Advanced)
Today students came back well rested from the three-day weekend and we hit the ground running. Below you will find the BAV words completed by all classes. Advance classes also completed Activity #5.

Activity #5

Wednesday: Emancipation & Book Report 3 requirements given
Both class: Received the book list for the third book report project, as well as the project page.
Books are reserved in the school Media Center and available for checkout. The last day to select your book is Friday.
Standard: Students completed Activity #4 and began Activity #5:Emancipation FAB4

Advanced: Students completed Activity #6: Emancipation FAB4

Thursday: TEST 
Standard: Students completed Activity #6: Cause & Effect handout then took test on Cause & Effect
Advanced: Students completed Activity #7: Cause & Effect handout then took test on Cause & Effect

Friday: Writing
Using Cause & Effect strategies, students generated writing topics.

EXTRA CREDIT/PRACTICE: Links presented below
Character Point of View
Cause & Effect

The following assignments are due Monday:
Standard: BAV & Activities 4-6
Advanced: BAV & Activities 5-7

Monday, January 14, 2013

Literacy Week is here! 1/14-1/18

As we embark on the new year, we are excited that Literacy week is finally here! Below is a list of all the important things happening this week around campus and in class.There will be a book swap opportunity of Friday in the Media Center, please bring in lightly used books throughout the week to swap for some other great reads.

Monday: Million-Minute Read
Students will read for the class period, participating in our state-wide Million-Minute Read.

Tuesday: Scavenger Hunt begins!
Advanced: Students will complete Activity #4 (Short-Story Analysis) for the story "Thank you, M'am."
Standard: Students will complete Activity #3 (Character Analysis) for the story "Thank you, M'am."

Wednesday: Character Dress up! (You must have your book to participate)
Both classes: Spelling Bee and BAV words: Theme & Character Point of View

Thursday: A Poem in your Pocket
Test: Character Point of View

Friday: Fracture Fairy-tales
Assignments Due!!! Advanced: #'s1-4 and BAV; Standard: #'s 1-3 and BAV.

Reminder: Zero's will be given Second Semester, there is only a two-day grace period for missing assignments.